Mutsu Otokoyama Classic, while the sweetness is felt firmly, it feels crisp and dry, makes dinner delicious陸奥男山Classic、甘さがしっかりと感じられる中、きりりと締まってドライな感じがする で、晩ごはんが美味しい
I found this Japanese Sake at a shop in Hachinohe Station, Aomori where Hachinohe Shuzo is located. It is an easy-to-find this Japanese Sake that can be found in markets such as online shops.
Please see “Sake Chart” based on my senses. It will help you when choosing Japanese Sake for your dinner.
私の感覚に基づく日本酒案内板をご覧ください。 夕食のお酒選びの参考になるでしょう。
“Ekiben” dinner on train – 駅弁の晩ごはん
Today’s dinner is an ekiben while traveling on the Shinkansen. I bought an ekiben called “Hachinohe Kouta Sushi” at the Hachinohe station shop and ate it on the Shinkansen. It was delicious.
今日の晩ごはんは、新幹線での移動中に駅弁です。八戸駅の売店で、「八戸 小唄寿司」という駅弁を買い、新幹線の中で食べました。美味しかったです。
Package of ”Hachinohe Koutazushi” – 八戸小唄寿司の駅弁の箱
Just Opened the Koutazushi – 小唄寿司を開けたところ
Cut with a stick – ばちで切ったところ
In this ekiben, the sushi inside was pre-scored, but a “bachi” that could be used as a substitute for a knife was enclosed. I cut it into small pieces and ate it. It was delicious.