Home Evening Meal

Hakushika Junmai, a mellow taste, makes dinner deliciousまろやかな味の白鹿純米で、晩ごはんが美味しい

This sake is a kind of standard sake we can get anytime at most major liquor stores.

It is a sake that goes very well with any dish.どんな料理にも大変よく合うお酒です。

Please see “Sake Chart” based on my senses. It will help you when choosing sake for your dinner.
私の感覚に基づく日本酒案内板をご覧ください。 夕食のお酒選びの参考になるでしょう。

Dinner – 晩ごはん

Sesame tofu, tomato & okra salad – 胡麻豆腐とトマトとオクラのサラダ

Today’s menu is sesame tofu salad. It is made by solidifying sesame seeds with potato starch. It’s called tofu, but it doesn’t contain soybeans. I just put what I bought on the tomato and okra salad and put the sauce on it. Very tasty.

Pumpkin soup – かぼちゃのスープ

I bought a big pumpkin, so I made some soup. Soften it in the microwave, crush it in a pot, mix it with milk and add the consommé soup base to finish. It’s refreshing and delicious.

Boiled pumpkin with minced chicken by soysauce baseかぼちゃの鶏挽き肉そぼろ煮

Pumpkin is cooked with minced chicken in a soy sauce-based seasoning. Sweet pumpkin is very delicious.

All items of the day本日の全品

That’s all for today’s dinner. Eating it with Japanese sake makes the food even more delicious.本日の晩ごはんは以上です。日本酒と一緒に食べることで、お料理が一段と美味しくなったようです。

