Kiku-Masamune Kikumasa Pin, refreshing taste with slight sourness behind refined sweetness, makes dinner delicious上品な甘さの奥に、わずかな酸味が感じられるすっきりした味の菊正宗 キクマサ ピン で晩ご飯が美味しい

This Japanese sake is a kind of standard sake we can get anytime at most major supermarkets.
It is a Japanese sake that goes very well with any dish.
Please see “Sake Chart” based on my senses. It will help you when choosing sake for your dinner.
私の感覚に基づく日本酒案内板をご覧ください。 夕食のお酒選びの参考になるでしょう。
Dinner – 晩ごはん
Mortadella Salad with Tomato – ボローニャソーセージとトマトのサラダ

Slices of delicious mortadella (bologna sausage) were piled on top of tomato salad. Seasoning was added to each individual’s preference. I love mayonnaise.
I love to put basil sauce on tomatoes.

“Ankou” (monkfish) Hot Pot – アンコウ鍋
Monkfish is delicious in the cold winter. It’s best to eat it in a ”Nabe” (hot pot). The meat of the fish is of course delicious, and the skin and cartilage are also delicious. If you cook Chinese cabbage, white green onions, maitake mushrooms, tofu, etc. together, the taste of each will be harmonized and it will be even more delicious.

I used a traditional iron pot. It can also be used with an IH heater to keep the table top clean. I filled the pot about halfway with water and put a piece of “Kombu” (kelp) in it to make the dashi stock. Next, add about 6 slices of tofu and cook it, then add the monkfish meat and vegetables and boil it.

When it was cooked, I took it to a small plate and ate it with ponzu sauce.

Items of the day – 本日の品

That’s all for today’s dinner. Eating it with Japanese sake makes the food even more delicious.本日の晩ごはんは以上です。日本酒と一緒に食べることで、お料理が一段と美味しくなったようです。