KIKUMASAMUNE Siboritate Ginpack (Silver-Pack) – 菊正宗 しぼりたて 銀パック

Home Evening Meal

KIKUMASAMUNE Shiboritate Ginpack, feeling like the sweetness comes out in fruity, makes dinner deliciousフルーティーな中に、甘さが少し前に出てくる感じの 菊正宗 しぼりたて 銀パック で、晩ごはんが美味しい

KIKUMASAMUNE Siboritate Ginpack (Silver-Pack)

This sake is a kind of standard sake we can get anytime at most major supermarkets.

It is a sake that goes very well with any dish.どんな料理にも大変よく合うお酒です。

Please see “Sake Chart” based on my senses. It will help you when choosing sake for your dinner.
私の感覚に基づく日本酒案内板をご覧ください。 夕食のお酒選びの参考になるでしょう。

Dinner – 晩ごはん

Sesame tofu and ”Nagamo” salad – 胡麻豆腐と長いものサラダ

Sesame tofu and ”Nagamo” salad – 胡麻豆腐と長いものサラダ

I put sesame tofu on ”Nagaimo”(Japanese Yam), tomato and broccoli salad. The sticky texture of the sesame tofu and the crisp texture of the Chinese yam are contrasting and pleasant.

Simmered flatfish – 鰈の煮つけ

Simmered flatfish – 鰈の煮つけ

The flatfish is boiled in a soy sauce-based broth together with pre-boiled burdock root. It’s delicious with big roe in it. Since the meat is soft, I gently simmered it so that it would not fall apart.

That’s all for today’s dinner. Eating it with Japanese sake makes the food even more delicious.本日の晩ごはんは以上です。日本酒と一緒に食べることで、お料理が一段と美味しくなったようです。

