Gekkeikan Kagetsu Melon, mellowness of sake is hidden behind the melon feeling, makes dinner delicious月桂冠 果月 メロン、メロン感の奥の方に日本酒の芳醇さが隠されている感じ で、晩ごはんが美味しい

This Japanese Sake was purchased at the shop when I visited Gekkeikan Okura Sake Museum in the brewery of Gekkeikan. It is an easy-to-find this Japanese Sake that can be found in markets such as online shops.
Please see “Sake Chart” based on my senses. It will help you when choosing sake for your dinner.
私の感覚に基づく日本酒案内板をご覧ください。 夕食のお酒選びの参考になるでしょう。
Dinner – 晩ごはん
Boiled octopus and chrysanthemum greens dressed with olive oil – 茹でダコと菊菜のオリーブオイル和え
I cut the boiled octopus into chunks, mixed it with chopped chrysanthemum, and tossed it with hot olive oil. Seasoned with salt and black pepper, the fresh aroma of chrysanthemum leaves was refreshing.

Chicken Fillet Cutlet – 鶏のささみのカツ
Chicken tenders were seasoned with salt and pepper and cheese and made into cutlets. It’s crispy and delicious.

Spaghetti Meat Sauce – スパゲッティーミートソース
For the meat sauce, chopped carrots and other ingredients were added to create a sweet and rich flavor. The sauce was very delicious with the spaghetti.

Items of the day – 本日の品

That’s all for today’s dinner. Eating it with Japanese sake makes the food even more delicious.本日の晩ごはんは以上です。日本酒と一緒に食べることで、お料理が一段と美味しくなったようです。