Kasumitsuru Kaisenreishu, refreshing taste with sweetness and hint of fruitiness, makes dinner delicious香住鶴 快鮮冷酒、すっきりとした甘さの中に、うっすらとフルーティーさを感じられ爽やかな味わい で、晩ごはんが美味しい

I found this Japanese Sake at a Souvenir Shop in the northern Hyogo where Kasumitsuru is located. It is an easy-to-find this Japanese Sake that can be found in markets such as online shops.
It is a sake that goes very well with any dish.
Please see “Sake Chart” based on my senses. It will help you when choosing Japanese Sake for your dinner.
私の感覚に基づく日本酒案内板をご覧ください。 夕食のお酒選びの参考になるでしょう。
Dinner – 晩ごはん
I got a live “Matsuba Gani” (Snow Crab) today, so I cooked it right away.

”Matsuba Gani” (Snow Crab) Sashimiカニの刺身
I ate some Matsuba Gani legs as sashimi. It was sweet and very delicious.

Grilled Crab – 焼きガニ
The crab body and the rest of the legs were grilled on hot plate and eaten. It was very delicious with the feeling that the essential taste of crab was concentrated.

I cut the torso in half in the middle to separate the ventral side and the carapace side, and then cut it in two. This makes it easier to eat when grilled.

The crab legs were grilled after the surface of the shell was scraped off to make them easier to eat.

Grilled Crab Miso in Shell – カニ味噌の甲羅焼き
Crab miso was collected in the shell and grilled. It was very rich and delicious.

That’s all for today’s dinner. Eating it with Japanese sake makes the food even more delicious.本日の晩ごはんは以上です。日本酒と一緒に食べることで、お料理が一段と美味しくなったようです。